אלמנט עיצובי בצורת פרח בשפה העיצובית של הלוגו, צבע ירוק

Accessibility Statement

אלמנט עיצובי בצורת פרח בשפה העיצובית של הלוגו, צבע ירוק

Africa Israel Residences, operating and managing the website: https://www.frankfurt-tlv.co.il/, is committed to providing equal service to all citizens, and specifically to improving service and access for individuals with disabilities.
Considerable resources have been allocated to guarantee the accessibility of our website and digital assets, with the aim of making our services more available for individuals with disabilities.

In Israel, about 20% of the population are individuals with disabilities who require digital modifications to access general services and information.
The accessibility features in this website are intended to make it available, friendly, and more convenient for populations with special needs, including but not limited to those with various motor disabilities, cognitive impairments, myopia, blindness or color blindness, hearing impairments, and the elderly population.

The implementation of website accessibility was managed and performed by Vee Website Accessibility.

Website Accessibility Level – AA

Vee has modified website accessibility to the popular web browsers and for mobile devices, and has tested the modifications using Jaws and NVDA screen readers.

The website adheres to the guidelines established by the Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities Regulations (IS 5568) (5773-2013) at the AA level, as well as to the WCAG2.2 recommendations by the W3C organization.

Hebrew: הנחיות לנגישות תכנים באינטרנט
English: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0

Website accessibility is in accordance with ICT Guidelines for Accessibility of Applications in Web Browsers.

How to switch to accessible mode?

The website features an accessibility icon (usually on one side of the website).
Clicking the icon opens the accessibility menu, where you can then select the desired accessibility function. Please allow the page to reload after making your selection, for the desired changes to be applied (if necessary).

To revert the changes, simply click the same menu function once again. You can always reset your accessibility settings.

The accessibility software is compatible with the popular web browsers Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera (subject to manufacturer terms). Chrome is the recommended browser for browsing in accessibility mode.

The website includes a semantic structure that supports assistive technologies and accepted usage patterns for keyboard navigation using the arrow keys, Enter, and Esc for closing menus and windows.

For the best browsing experience with a screen reader, we recommend using the latest version of NVDA.

Website improvements and modifications:

Modification for screen readers – the website is modified for assistive technologies such as Jaws, NVDA.
Website navigation is clear and intuitive.
Website content is presented clearly, in a well-ordered and hierarchic fashion.
The website is optimized for viewing in contemporary web browsers.
The website is compatible with various screen sizes and resolutions.
All website pages have a consistent structure (1H/2H/3H).
Alternative text has been provided for all images on the website.

Accessibility software functionality:

Modification for screen readers – the website is modified for assistive technologies such as Jaws, NVDA.
Flicker prevention – preventing moving elements and blocking animations
Direct content access – skipping the main menu to access the content directly.
Keyboard navigation adjustment.
Text size adjustment.
Spacing between characters/words/lines.
Contract and color options – high, dark-mode, black and white.
Legible font.
Highlighted links.
Reading guide.
Customizable mouse cursor.
Image descriptions.


While diligent efforts have been made to ensure the accessibility of all pages and elements, there may still be certain parts or functionalities that are not fully accessible or have not yet been made accessible.

We are acting to enhance website accessibility at all times, as part of our commitment to ensure inclusivity for all individuals, including those with disabilities.

Accessibility of company headquarters and sales offices

The company’s headquarters are accessible in accordance with regulations. Project pages clearly specify which sales offices are accessible, and wherever they are not you can contact us by phone to schedule an appointment.


Contact us about accessibility

If you encounter accessibility issues on the website, please contact our accessibility coordinator with your comments and requests.

To allow us to handle your inquiry optimally, we recommend providing us with complete details:

  • Problem description.
  • The action you attempted to perform.
  • Link to the page you were browsing on.
  • Browser type and version.
  • Operating system.
  • Type of assistive technology (if any).

Africa Israel Residences will endeavor to provide optimal accessibility to the website, and to address accessibility concern promptly and professionally.

Accessibility coordinator:

Yitzhak Blau



Last updated: 12/25/2024

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